
Wolverhampton LOC are the organisation representing General Ophthalmic Service(GOS) contract holders and optometrists performing GOS in Wolverhampton, and we liaise with local NHS bodies on matters relating to eye-care.

We consist of a committee elected by the contractors and performers active in the area. Committee meetings take place at least 3 times a year, and usually more than this.

Officers and Committee

NamePosition/rep typeNamePosition/rep type
Sofia Fazal( Contractor)Chair Andrew Slater (Co-opted Dispensing Optician)Secretary
Haris Iqbal (Performer)TreasurerPeter Rockett (Contractor)Vice-Chair
Hasan AkhtarContractorMarium HayatContractor
Paul SidhuPerformer


Committee meetings are held at least 3 times a year. Minutes from committee meetings are presented to the following meeting for approval so that those present can confirm they are an accurate record of proceedings. For this reason, the most recent minutes should be considered to be a draft until approved at the following meeting. Older minutes available on request.


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