Glaucoma Referrals
A Glaucoma Enhanced Referral Service is active in Wolverhampton. All patients with a Wolverhampton GP with suspect glaucoma should be referred via this service. Patients with IOP above 30mmHg or suffering a potential acute glaucoma attack are not appropriate for GERS and should be referred urgently direct to HES. If the only abnormal sign is IOP >23mmHg they should be seen in the IOPRM service, not GERS (see below).
To refer a patient into GERS you should complete a GOS 18 but refer them to a practice in the GERS service. GERS optometrists have taken a higher qualification and will filter referrals to ensure only appropriate cases are sent on to HES.
Please check the patient’s GP is eligible (has a Wolverhampton CCG medical centre) for GERS before referring to another practice. A list of GP practices as of November 2023 is below.
The service will normally provide an appointment within two to four weeks. The patient remains your responsibility until they are seen by the GERS practice.
GERS is an enhanced service with additional fees and based upon the Opera software, please contact the LOC if you are interested in offering this service in your practice or email
Full information for optometrists
GERS Patient Leaflet Update Dec 24
IOPRM Service
Patients with IOP >23mmHg and normal discs and visual fields should be seen in the IOPRM service, not GERS. This would normally be in the practice in which they have had their eye examination.
The patient should have applanation tonometry on the day of their sight test. If IOP remains >23 they should have a second applanation on another occasion before being referred if the pressure is still elevated. Note that other potential signs of glaucoma mean that the patient should be referred to GERS.
IOPRM is an enhanced service with additional fees and based upon the Opera software, please contact the LOC if you are interested in offering this service in your practice or email