
Useful Contact Information

NHS England:

Changes to Performers list: email

If you need an NHS email, please apply via this link.  The helpdesk can be reached on 0333 200 1133.

NHS contract management – BSA

From 4 January 2022 all contract management as shown below will be undertaken by the Business Services Authority:

  • New application for mandatory / additional contracts
  • Relocation to alternative premises
  • Additional premises
  • Termination
  • Change in directors
  • Change in opening hours
  • Change to bank details

All the above applications will need to be submitted to BSA on the following email address

Full details can be found by viewing BSA briefing -contract management

Primary Care Support England

Primary Care Support England (PCSE) provides support services to GP practices, Pharmacies, Dentists and Opticians.   PCSE administers GOS payments, performer lists and holds stocks of NHS supplies.

PSCE also processes CET claims.

PCSE online

Online GOS claims:  Getting online is straightforward.  To help you get started and to support you through the transition, please go to the PCSE website.

Translation Services

Translation Services are in place for all Optometry providers.  This service is delivered by Language Line .

If  you require Translation Services, you  will need to send an email to (including your full name and practice address), requesting your  unique ID code and once this has been issued to you,  you may contact Language Line directly to make or cancel any bookings for telephone or video link services.

The team will issue your unique ID codes and guidance on how to use the service.  All queries should be addressed to the Optometry Team on the above email.

The Optometry Team, Primary Care Commissioning East Midlands, NHS England – Midlands