
Bassetlaw Pathways

Bassetlaw Placed Based Partnership have commissioned primary eye care to complete pre and post cataract checks for all patients. There is no exception to this. Patients will be offered a choice of surgical provider following the pre cataract appointment. This choice will include all independent providers and NHS providers.

Providers have been asked to reject direct referrals that have not passed through the commissioned service. To avoid unnecessary delays to patients’ treatment and additional administration processed please ensure the commissioned pathway is followed.

GOS18 referrals

All GOS 18 referrals for patients registered with a Bassetlaw CCG GP will be triaged via the Primary Eyecare Referral Assessment Service.

Following clinical triage referrals will be:

  • Directed to an appropriate Ophthalmology clinic via eRS
  •  Directed to an appropriate community Optometry Service
  • Rejected back to the referrer (request for more info/reasons for rejection outlined)

Routes into the Referral Assessment Service:

Email: to

(please ensure you send from a email)

Community service referrals:

Any referrals following a work up in the commissioned community services, will be sent direct to the trust/secondary care provider from Opera as no further referral assessment is required.

Please click below to download the above information:

Bassetlaw Pathways