UA-147445010-1 G-1879XHKXCV LEHN Information LEHN Information – Pennine Lancashire LOC


The Local Eye Health Network provides clinical leadership in all aspects of eye health in Lancashire & South Cumbria.  We invite participants from a diverse range of eye health groups; from the ICB and NHSE (contract managers and advisors), primary care optical practice representatives (including the LOC), secondary care service leads and clinicians, provider organisations, ophthalmology commissioners, orthoptic leads, relevant charitable and voluntary groups, statutory sight-loss support services (local authorities), and educational bodies such as UCLAN and HEE. We welcome anyone with an interest in improving eye health in L&SC.

The LEHN exists to guide and improve the system, to reduce unwarranted variation, promoting a joined-up approach and better communication across pathways and between organisations.  We shine a light on inequalities and demand action to address them. We don’t have a budget to spend, but we have a passion for delivering better outcomes for our population and we feed directly into the L&SC ICB Primary and Integrated Neighbourhood Care, to influence and inform senior decision making.

Items on our current workplan include:

  • Integration of care pathways
  • ICB/Contractor relationships & Communication
  • Workforce – evaluation & development
  • Eye health Inequalities
  • Low Vision & Sight Loss Support
  • Carbon Neutrality and Sustainability

For anyone who wants to know more or get involved is welcome to contact the LEHN Chair -Tom Mackley, directly :

RNIB eye care support link