
UKHSA updated guidance regarding isolation

19 January 2022

Please find attached for your information the UKHSA updated guidance regarding isolation, in the light of further changes for the general population announced by the UKHSA on isolation, and the implications for the NHS.

These will be published on the website shortly here:

and here:

C1543_Letter re updated UKHSA guidance – isolation_140122

East Sussex LOC Latest News

Changes to cataract forms

The ICB have made some slight changes to the Cataract referral form, by adding another provider (Sussex Premier Health) and some amendments to the text at the end of the document. Please click here for the Word version and here for an editable PDF version.

28 August 2024

Volunteering for Vision Care for Homeless People

Please see information on volunteering for Vision Care for Homeless People (VCHP)… Volunteering for Vision Care for Homeless People (VCHP), Brighton (

1 August 2024

AGM Notice

Annual General Meeting Kings Centre, 27 Edison Road, Eastbourne, BN23 6PT Wednesday 10th April 2024: 7pm The AGM will be followed by a CPD Lecture: Ashkan Khalili, MD PhD FRCOphth: ‘Glaucoma, the lifelong battle: how to win’ CPD points for Optometrists, Dispensing Opticians and IP Optometrists have been applied for. If you wish to attend the …

22 March 2024

Cataract Pathway Information

Please click here for updated information on the NHS Sussex Integrated Cataract Pathway which was sent out last week. Please click here for the appendices referred to in the letter.

17 January 2024

MECS Decommissioning Comms

Please see official NHS Sussex communication plus information and guidance from the LOC. NHS Sussex MECS Decomissioning MECS decommissiong letter from LOC

4 January 2024

VCHP Volunteers

Calling all optometrists and assistants/DOs in the Brighton area! Vision Care for Homeless People (VCHP) is a charity providing free eye care services and glasses to homeless people, who are often unable to access this care for themselves. Our services are provided by qualified volunteer optometrists, supported by Clinic Managers, Dispensing Opticians and Clinic Assistants. …

18 December 2023

Sussex Glaucoma Workforce Survey – please reply by 17/11/23

NHS England has recently commissioned the CLEAR team to deliver a project looking at the Glaucoma pathway across Sussex. This work is part of the latest plans by the NHS to transform eyecare services nationally. Please click here for more details and here to complete a short survey. This will allow us to ascertain the Optometry work force population …

8 November 2023

East Sussex LOC CPD Study Day – 22nd November 2023

We’re pleased to confirm that bookings are now open for the East Sussex LOC CPD Study Day on Wednesday 22nd November in the Donatello’s Lounge, American Express Community Stadium, Village Way, Brighton BN1 9BL. Further details available here.

16 October 2023

REGO Electronic Referral System Registration

You may be aware that Sussex ICB has been piloting an electronic referral platform called REGO into ESHT. This platform allows for all ROUTINE referrals to be sent into the hospital directly without the need to send to the GP. This pilot is now complete, and the system is available for you to register to …

14 October 2023

BAME Vision

BAME Vision, in collaboration with eye care & sight loss professionals and people with lived experience, are facilitating a series of informative webinars around this year’s themes of National Eye Health Week (which runs from the 18th – 24th September 2023). These sessions are free, and are open to everyone. There will be an opportunity …

19 September 2023

LOCSU Latest news

OFNC GOS Survey 2024

The Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee is seeking to capture the views and concerns of General Ophthalmic Services contractors.

18 September 2024