
Welcome to the Hertfordshire LOC website

On this website you will find copies of our regular newsletters, referral contact information, helpful links, and lots of other information.

If you would like to join our mailing list, attend our CET events or have any queries, comments or suggestions for content improvements please use the links below or contact Steve Roberts at

Sign up to our mailing list – Click Here

Send us a message – Click Here

Please let us know of any issues regarding referrals using the form HERE.

Our next meeting:

The next Herts LOC meeting will be on Monday 16th September , by Zoom.

Hertfordshire LOC Latest News

Tell us your problems, CPD, FODO News

We have 3 items for you today: Tell us more of your problems! Thanks to everyone who has completed our survey form regarding issues around referrals. We would really like more examples, please, especially specific instances where Px care or even safety has been at risk or suffered.  We have created a very simple form for you to …

4 September 2024

Tell us your problems!

Tell us your problems! No, we’re not starting a counselling service but we do want you to tell us about your concerns, poor experiences and difficulties relating to the current referral pathways and lack of services in Hertfordshire. We are hoping to collect as much data as possible to strengthen our drive to get services commissioned, to …

24 July 2024

Sight Loss Support Survey, CPD Claims, CPD Webinar, Hypertension Pilot, LOCSU and FODO News

We have 6 items for you today: Sight Loss Support Survey One of our committee members is working with Hertfordshire County Council’s Sensory Services on the creation of an information leaflet about local support, resources and signposting, to distribute to adults in Hertfordshire with sight loss. As part of this, we would be grateful if …

24 July 2024

More Hertfordshire LOC News >

LOCSU Latest News

OFNC GOS Survey 2024

The Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee is seeking to capture the views and concerns of General Ophthalmic Services contractors.

18 September 2024

Early Ideas Capture and Expression of Interest: Share Your Insights for NOC 2025

We are excited to invite you to share your early ideas and expressions of interest for the data and research workstream at NOC 2025.

3 September 2024

More LOCSU News >

Our next meeting:

The next Herts LOC meeting will be on Monday 16th September , by Zoom.


LOCSU supports Local Optical Committees (LOCs) across a range of activities including commissioning guidance, policy development, governance and compliance support, education and communications. Visit or signup to the LOCSU newsletter

Supporting Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians throughout Hertfordshire.