Want to help expand primary eyecare? Have your voice heard on issues that matter? Meet new people and learn more about the sector you work in? Benefit from career development opportunities?
Your Local Optical Committee is your route to making an impact.
LOCs represent the optical profession on all local general ophthalmic services matters and play a pivotal role in the design, commissioning and delivery of primary eyecare services. Joining your LOC committee gives you the opportunity to influence how eye care is delivered on a regional basis, make positive changes, represent your peers and gain new skills along the way.
You’ll gain a detailed insight into the issues affecting primary eyecare provision and through your LOC you will be helping to shape the future of primary eyecare.
LOCs are pivotal to delivering the NHS long term plan and there has never been a better time to get involved and help expand primary eye care services. Whatever your role – whether you are a practice owner, Optometrist, Dispensing Optician or Contact Lens Optician – your LOC wants to hear from you. Your skills and experience can make a difference for patients, contractors and practitioners as we build an eye health service that works for everyone.
There is a wide range of activities to get involved in, from commissioning negotiations to communications and no experience is necessary. Work is shared between LOC members and is flexible to fit around existing work commitments, with support on hand from LOC colleagues as well as from the LOCSU LOC Induction Programme.
Take on a new challenge – your LOC is waiting to meet you!
Read our Case Studies:
What Do LOCs Do?
Why Get Involved?
Why Your LOC Needs You!
What next?
Practitioners who are interested in getting involved should contact us.